Choosing to Change

Change is inevitable and growth is optional; whilst every opportunity and potential for success requires minor or significant change to our lives. Whilst the thought of creating change in our lives is includes curiosity around new circumstances, it can also illicit stress and fear.


We can all be resistant to change due to the unknown overwhelming nature of leaving our comfort zones. In order to achieve positive change, we are required to challenge ourselves, push our limits, test our capabilities and adapt our mindset to accommodate new situations, possibilities and realities.  


The traditional stages of change we all progress through include:


Stage 1: pre-contemplation: Where we are not yet considering making changes. We may be receiving feedback and suggestions from others to make changes to our lifestyles and behaviours, but this isn’t something we are yet open to.  

 Stage 2: Contemplation: Where we become actively aware of the problems requiring a change, but are still avoidant of change. We examine the positives and negatives of the issue, but can’t quite commit. An example of this may be ‘I want to eat healthier, but groceries are so expensive’. Many people do struggle in this stage for multiple months, sometimes even years.

 Stage 3: Preparation: Where we begin to address areas needing adjustment and make small but effective changes.

Stage 4: At this stage the change is self managed and achievable. Our new behaviour and commitment to change is solidified and maintained through the help of family and close support systems.

Stage 5: The final stage of maintenance involves us sustaining our behaviour to change permanently. The real focus is on avoiding relapses and fully integrating this new change positively into our lives. Learning to sustain a new behaviour pattern can be complicated, and is a day- to day job.

Making change is no easy task, it takes self-awareness, patience and time. Rather than starting over your life, think of it as starting fresh. You are in control of your new life and you have all the power and intent to make change. Change isn’t permanent but nothing will change if you remain the same.




Boundaries Are Your Best Friend


Choice Determines Change