
When you’re ready, we can start the process with a complimentary 20 minute phone call to discuss what you’re looking for and the ways in which I can help you get there.

An initial 1.5 hour session will follow, where I can to get an overview of who you are and what you’re seeking.

We will landscape our relationship including the goals, boundaries, priorities and expectations of working together.

We will then be able to assess which engagement offering will suite your needs and gets you where you want to be.

Sessions can be purchased indivually or in a block for a discounted cost. Rebates are offered through selected private health care providers with whom I have a provider number as a registered therapist.

  • A Weekly engagement program across five-10 weeks that will see us set small attainable goals for our work together and outside the room.

    Ideal for:

    Concentrated issues that have arisen in the workplace, home, family, friendship or relationship including a sudden change, challenge or other stresses.

    If you’re feeling average and wanting to feel wonderful.

    Feeling lost, stuck and/or seeking guidance and direction.

    Pondering career or other changes.

    Seeking awareness and clarity around ones thoughts and feelings.

  • A 15 session program designed for long term enhancement and improvement of your life. When things are ok but could be better- and you want more for yourself and those around you.

    Ideal for:

    Anxiety and stress


    Relationship issues

    On going medical, legal or financial issues (such as separation, divorce, financial dispute etc)

    Ongoing self development and wellbeing management

    Making substantial change

    Realising your potential

    Re directing your path, figuring out what that is and how to get there.

    Seeking substantial improvement in satisfaction and/ or your situation.

    5 X weekly sessions

    5 X fortnightly sessions

    5 X monthly check ins

    Ad hock sessions when needed after this.

  • A journey of self discovery with room for processing, pondering and unpacking.

    Ideal for:

    Those seeking on going support and introspection via the therapeutic experience of building a working relationship to rely on for regular check ins and support.

    Those not experiencing an immediate crisis and may have previous counselling experience.

    5-8 X Weekly

    5 -10 X Fortnightly

    Ongoing 3 weeks or monthly sessions to follow.

These can be delivered through:

Individual Counselling

Individual Coaching

Couples Counselling

In person, via phone call & Zoom