Managing Mental Load

In 2024, we are more overwhelmed and burn out than ever before, constantly struggling to get on top of our mental load.

Instead of adding to the clogging of your brain with reasons why this is the case, I will go straight into basic tools and strategies for managing and reducing mental load and cognitive and emotional overwhelm:


1. Assess and re organise your priorities: Focus on the most important tasks for the day, week and month. List them and number them in order of importance. Then, distribute them across your week so they feel achievable, whilst also breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps. Consider what is most important to your wellbeing- financially, mentally, physically and relationally.

2. Delegate: Share responsibilities with others where possible, whether at work or at home. Ask others for help, even on tasks you’re used to doing yourself.

3. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to additional commitments that could add to your load, and refrain from pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion.

4. Take Substantial Breaks: Regular breaks during the day and week that take you out of your head completely,  can help prevent burnout and maintain productivity.

5. Organize and Plan: Use tools like planners or apps to keep track of tasks and deadlines, reducing the mental effort of remembering everything.

6. Self-Care: Ensure you're getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising to maintain overall well-being. Meal plan and prep a balance diet that doesn’t require day to day consideration and!

7. Cut out problems that aren’t serving you and aren’t required for your future. These can be people, tasks, additional jobs, hobbies or habits.

8: Talk it out: Verbalise each tab on your mental load with a good listener. Identify the most stressful aspect of each and brainstorm how to best manage this.




Dear High Strivers


DR Google and the Risk of Self Diagnosis